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Top 7 Real Estate Marketing Tips

This article discusses great tips to help you start marketing your real estate business online fast. This information is especially important if you are just starting out.1. Make good use of the internet:You need to have your own agency page. The page should contain your contacts, i.e., name, physical and postal address, email and telephone number. This will help your current and potential clients to get hold of you easily and fast. People, including your family, friends and peers need to know that you’re serious about your business. Having your own agency page will help accomplish this task2. Use the social networks and media:It pays to make use of the free stuff on the internet to establish your brand online. Social networks are free to use. You need to register with as many as possible to help spread the word about your business and let people get to know you. Have a presence at least on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg, and MySpace. This move will help establish and grow your contacts list easily, swiftly and profitably.3. Squidoo account sign up is the next step:The best strategy to help establish you as the local real estate expert is to join Squidoo. Once you have a Squidoo account you need to create a lens specifically for the real estate niche. You may want to use a tool commonly known as SquidZippers created and designed to help people create niche specific lenses.Use your lens to provide unique, useful, helpful and high quality content to your readers, customers and potential clients. This way you will establish yourself as an expert in your niche.4. Establish your own business website:If you have been using your employers website or the firms main site for any length of time then its time to get your own. You need to move to the next level through creating your own website. Your current and potential customers will like it because this move proves to them that you are succeeding and are a top agent in your area.Having your own paid for real estate business website is the first step towards self-employment and entrepreneurship.5. Build an email list:You need to build a large email list in order to be successful. Its often said that the money is in the list. Make use of a cheap but reliable auto responder service provider to help run email marketing campaigns. The foundation of profitable real estate marketing is in the list. Email marketing is a real estate marketing idea that has been proven to work.6. Invest in a real estate agent list portal:There is nothing stopping you from creating your own real estate agent portal online. After all you have managed to accumulate a lot of experience and expertise by now. A new agent listing portal is another way of growing your business to make more money.In fact you can go for a pre-built real estate websites that greatly simplifies your work so you may concentrate on sales lead generation.7. Create a real estate marketing strategies blog:A blog is known to be the best business website marketing tool. The main function of a blog is to generate traffic and sales leads for your website. Blogs help to keep your business website on top of leading search engines result pages.

10 Tips For Self-Promoting Your Art

As any salesperson knows, in order to make a sell, you have to overcome the difficult task of self-promotion. For an artist, you have poured your heart and soul into your art, and now you are being asked to go out and market it. In doing so, there is a natural fear of personal rejection. Nonetheless, in order for your art to reach people that truly “see” you, overcoming this obstacle is mandatory.Fortunately today many of the best ways for self-promotion are not quite as direct and confrontational. Here are 10 important ways to self-promote your art to achieve a successful audience:1. Create a website. While a portfolio of your work is also mandatory, having a website reaches an immeasurable number of art enthusiasts. Take the time to design a professional site with good presentation of your work.2. Blog, Blog, Blog. Blogging is an excellent way to create a buzz about your work and to let people know what your art is about. You can create your own blog page (recommended) where you highlight your work while also educating your reader. This serves as a “channel” through which other bloggers can be directed to your website. Additionally, you can post to other art blogs for the same reasons.3. Art Newsletters. Many sites exist (such as Constant Contact) which allow easy creation and submission of your own personal newsletter by email. This is a great promotional tool that shows your art enthusiasm as well as your art work to those with whom you have all levels of contact. Be sure to mention your website and blog in each newsletter.4. Sphere of Influence. This refers to your personal network of artists, art promoters, gallery owners, art committees, etc. Be sure to make contact with these individuals often so they are aware of your current artistic endeavors. They key word here is networking. The power of networking is tremendously underestimated. Likewise, your email list should be treated like gold. Build it and protect it.5. Attend Art Events Regularly. At times, this may seem a chore when all you want to do is hibernate inside with your art. However, in the giving is receiving. By supporting other artists and frequenting art events, you continue to network within the art community and stay abreast of current trends and happenings.6. Submit Often. If you create beautiful and meaningful art but it is rarely shown, the chances of elevating your career as an artist is going to be limited. Choose events and shows that are in line with the theme of your art. This will increase your chances for acceptance, present your art to the right forum, and allow you to be true to your art.7. Create a Quality Portfolio. Whether it is a gallery owner or an interested client, no one wants to see an unprofessional display of your work. Take your art career seriously and pay a professional to create a good portfolio of your art. This is a must.8. Provide Art Education. One of the most infrequently used tools in self-promotion is providing education. This establishes you as an expert in your field of art, and you expand your sphere of influence even farther. Write articles and post on the web, teach at local art centers, provide video clips on “how-to” projects, etc. Again, each time be sure to announce your website and blog.9. Always Carry Business Cards. Design your own business cards that are congruent with your art. Be sure to have your contact information, website, and blog info readily seen. And don’t be caught with empty pockets!10. Make Formal Affiliations with other Art Sites. By linking your website to other art sites through formal affiliations, you can generate a significant amount of traffic to your website. Many forums, companies and organizations will be happy to provide a link to your site in exchange for a link to theirs. It never hurts to make an inquiry, and it offers another chance to expand your sphere of influence.So there you have it. Now, take a deep breath, grow some thicker skin, and self-promote. Don’t let your art suffer because you failed to acknowledge the art of self-promotion.

Baby Games That Enhance Development

Child experts said that early childhood development is focused on baby games and play, and it is through this most natural way that a child begins to learn the adult skills. You help your baby develop his physical and cognitive skills by introducing baby games as early as he is born. In addition, such baby games could empower parents by providing support and bonding into their relations with each other.Games for babies should be educational and stimulates the senses. The brighter the colours the better! Toys with shapes, soothing music, bright colours and moving objects will all help to stimulate your baby’s senses. Games and toys can also be incorporated in your baby food recipes.As your baby grows what he or she would learn from baby games? Read on to learn more.Enhances Vision, Auditory And Language Development
When your baby is born their favourite sight is you, and they love to hear your voice. Now, you can add more stuff to their favourites through baby games and toys. The first senses babies develop are their sight and hearing. Educational baby toys help your baby learn eye to hand coordination and develop their small motor-control skills.Mental And Motor Skills Development
Playing peek-a-boo could help in your baby’s mental development. That game helps him identify what to expect and which side if the paper you would appear. To help with cognitive development, you should sing and to your baby as early as from pregnancy. After birth, use baby books with large and colourful illustrations and read to him. When he’s able to sit and pick things up, teach him the concept of cause and effect using game such as having a ball and roll it into bowling pins. You can also play games that require him to perform a simple task such as putting plastic shapes in a container with their corresponding shape holes.There are a lot of baby games that would enable your baby to build up the necessary skills. All you have to do is be creative in playing with your children, make some research, and implement the game. Playing with your baby will make them even more attached to you. Also, observe your baby if he’s enjoying the game and make sure that the game is age appropriate. Avoid small toys that can cause choking. Playing is a terrific way in laying good foundations for the years to come. Always remember, playing within the boundary of safety precaution is very important.