How to Write an Article Bio Or Resource Box – 4 Common Mistakes to Avoid
There are 4 common mistakes that I have seen article marketers make in the URLs in the resource boxes or bio sections of their articles. These 4 errors can cause the URLs in your article to become “unclickable” which will cause the article to generate less traffic or, in some cases, absolutely no traffic to your web site. In this article, I will reveal what those 4 mistakes are and how to avoid them.Mistake Number 1: Failure to Include a URLIf the main objective of article marketing is getting the reader to click on the link in your bio, the worst mistake that you can make is to fail to include a link. I have lost count of how many informative and entertaining articles that I have read where the author failed to include a link in his or her resource box.Without a URL, there is no link for the reader to click on and then visit your web site in order to see your offer. For this reason, I highly recommend that you include at least one URL in your bio.Mistake Number 2: Not Beginning URL with http://More often than not, the author did in fact include a link but the link was not “clickable.” One of the major reasons why a link is not clickable is because the URL does not begin with http://Do NOT do is the correct way to write a URL:http :// want to make it as easy as possible for the reader to visit your web site. If you force the reader to copy and paste a link into his or her browser in order to visit your web site, instead of just clicking on a link, the less likely it becomes that the reader will visit your web site.Mistake Number 3: Ending Your URL with a PeriodIf you end a URL with a period, it will not be clickable. Period.Do NOT do this:http:// you put a period at the end of your URL it may make the link “non-clickable.”Mistake Number 4: Only Including Anchored Text LinksIn SEO or Search Engine Optimization terms, an anchored text link is a link that displays clickable text in its link. The words that are in the anchored text help determine the ranking that the page will receive by Google and other search engines.You never want to include only anchored text links in your resource box. Some online newsletter publishers may fail to make your anchored text links clickable. If that happens, a reader will not able to click on the anchored text in your resource box and easily become a visitor to your web site. For this reason, I encourage you to always include at least one valid URL or a URL beginning with http:// in your bio.